rl, $args, 'PUT' ); if ( ! is_array( $response ) || ! isset( $response['body'] ) ) { $error = __( 'The response is not an array or does not have a body.', 'hustle' ); Hustle_Provider_Utils::maybe_log( __METHOD__, 'Error adding the recipient.', $error ); return new WP_Error( 'subscribe_error', $error ); } $recipient_response = json_decode( $response['body'], true ); if ( ! empty( $recipient_response['errors'][0]['message'] ) ) { Hustle_Provider_Utils::maybe_log( __METHOD__, 'Error adding the recipient.', $recipient_response['errors'][0]['message'] ); return new WP_Error( 'subscribe_error', $recipient_response['errors'][0]['message'] ); } if ( empty( $recipient_response['job_id'] ) ) { $error = __( 'Persistent recipients is not set or does not contain values.', 'hustle' ); Hustle_Provider_Utils::maybe_log( __METHOD__, 'Error adding the recipient.', $error ); return new WP_Error( 'subscribe_error', $error ); } return true; } /** * Prepare custom field to Sendgrid format * * @param array $data Data. * @return array */ public function prepare_custom_fields( $data ) { if ( empty( $data['custom_fields'] ) ) { return $data; } $custom_fields = array(); $existed_fields = wp_list_pluck( $this->get_custom_fields(), 'id', 'name' ); $reserved_fields = wp_list_pluck( $this->get_custom_fields( true ), 'id', 'name' ); $saved_cf = array_merge( $existed_fields, $reserved_fields ); foreach ( $data['custom_fields'] as $cf_name => $cf_value ) { $cf_id = in_array( $cf_name, array_keys( $saved_cf ), true ) ? $saved_cf[ $cf_name ] : false; if ( $cf_id ) { $custom_fields[ $cf_id ] = $cf_value; } unset( $data[ $cf_name ] ); } $data['custom_fields'] = (object) $custom_fields; return $data; } /** * Check if an email is already used. * * @param string $email Email. * @param string $list_id List ID. * @return boolean true if the given email already in use otherwise false. **/ public function email_exists( $email, $list_id ) { $args = $this->get_headers(); if ( ! $args ) { return false; } $args['headers']['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'; $args['body'] = wp_json_encode( array( 'query' => sprintf( "primary_email LIKE '%s%%' AND CONTAINS(list_ids, '%s')", $email, $list_id ), ) ); $url = $this->sendgrid_url . '/marketing/contacts/search'; $response = $this->request( $url, $args, 'POST' ); if ( ! is_array( $response ) || ! isset( $response['body'] ) ) { return false; } $response_array = json_decode( $response['body'], true ); if ( isset( $response_array['errors'] ) ) { Hustle_Provider_Utils::maybe_log( __METHOD__, 'Error retrieving recipient.', $response_array['errors'][0]['message'] ); return false; } return ! empty( $response_array['result'][0]['id'] ) ? $response_array['result'][0]['id'] : false; } /** * Get Sendgrid Custom/Reserved fields * * @param bool $reserved Reserved. * @return array */ private function get_custom_fields( $reserved = false ) { $args = $this->get_headers(); if ( ! $args ) { return array(); } $url = $this->sendgrid_url . '/marketing/field_definitions'; $response = $this->request( $url, $args ); if ( ! is_array( $response ) || ! isset( $response['body'] ) ) { return array(); } $lists_response = json_decode( $response['body'], true ); if ( ! $reserved && isset( $lists_response['custom_fields'] ) ) { return $lists_response['custom_fields']; } elseif ( $reserved && isset( $lists_response['reserved_fields'] ) ) { return $lists_response['reserved_fields']; } return array(); } /** * Get Sendgrid reserved fields * * @return array */ public function get_reserved_fields_name() { return wp_list_pluck( $this->get_custom_fields( true ), 'name' ); } /** * Add custom fields * * @param array $fields Fields. */ public function add_custom_fields( $fields ) { $existed_fields = wp_list_pluck( $this->get_custom_fields(), 'id', 'name' ); $reserved_fields = wp_list_pluck( $this->get_custom_fields( true ), 'id', 'name' ); $existed_fields = array_merge( $existed_fields, $reserved_fields ); foreach ( $fields as $field ) { $type = strtolower( $field['type'] ); $name = strtolower( $field['name'] ); if ( in_array( $name, array_keys( $existed_fields ), true ) ) { continue; } if ( ! in_array( $type, array( 'text', 'number', 'date' ), true ) ) { $type = 'text'; } $new_cf = $this->add_custom_field( array( 'name' => $name, 'field_type' => ucfirst( $type ), ) ); } } /** * Add custom field * * @param array $field_data (name, field_type). */ public function add_custom_field( $field_data ) { $args = $this->get_headers(); if ( ! $args ) { return false; } $url = $this->sendgrid_url . '/marketing/field_definitions'; $req_body = wp_json_encode( $field_data ); $args['body'] = $req_body; $response = $this->request( $url, $args, 'POST' ); $response_array = json_decode( $response['body'], true ); if ( isset( $response_array['errors'] ) && isset( $response_array['errors'][0] ) ) { Hustle_Provider_Utils::maybe_log( __METHOD__, 'Error creating the custom field.', $response_array['errors'][0]['message'] ); } return $response_array; } /** * Request * * @param string $url URL. * @param array $args Args. * @param string $method GET|POST. * @return array|WP_Error */ private function request( $url, $args, $method = 'GET' ) { if ( empty( $args['method'] ) && in_array( $method, array( 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE' ), true ) ) { $args['method'] = $method; } $response = wp_remote_request( $url, $args ); $utils = Hustle_Provider_Utils::get_instance(); $utils->last_url_request = $url; $utils->last_data_sent = $args; $utils->last_data_received = $response; return $response; } } endif; Communauté – Meducol


Équipe Meducol

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Claire Thomas

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Nonamehhhh Nonamehhhh

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hamada hannaoui

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vianney ndayisaba

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abdelmajid triki

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Olivier Bonzale

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hadj amine moumni

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