sive' != $content->unitType && 'link-responsive' != $content->unitType && 'matched-content' != $content->unitType ) { // Normal ad unit $unit_width = $ad->width; $unit_height = $ad->height; } else { // Responsive && multiplex ads $unit_resize = ( isset( $content->resize ) ) ? $content->resize : 'auto'; if ( 'auto' != $unit_resize ) { $extra_params = apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-gadsense-ad-param-data', $extra_params, $content, $ad ); } } if ( ! empty( $unit_pubid ) ) { $unit_id = 'ca-' . $unit_pubid . ':' . $unit_code; } $external_ad_unit_id = $unit_id; } } if ( '' === trim( $pub_id ) && '' !== trim( $unit_code ) ) { $pub_id_errors = __( 'Your AdSense Publisher ID is missing.', 'advanced-ads' ); } $default_template = GADSENSE_BASE_PATH . 'admin/views/adsense-ad-parameters.php'; /** * Inclusion of other UI template is done here. The content is passed in order to allow the inclusion of different * templates file, depending of the ad. It's up to the developer to verify that $content is not an empty * variable (which is the case for a new ad). * * Inclusion of .js and .css files for the ad creation/editon page are done by another hook. See * 'advanced-ads-gadsense-ad-param-script' and 'advanced-ads-gadsense-ad-param-style' in "../admin/class-gadsense-admin.php". */ $template = apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-gadsense-ad-param-template', $default_template, $content ); require $template; } /** * Render icon on the ad overview list * * @param Advanced_Ads_Ad $ad ad object. */ public function render_icon( Advanced_Ads_Ad $ad ) { $image = 'adsense-display.svg'; $content = json_decode( wp_unslash( $ad->content ), true ); if ( isset( $content['unitType'] ) ) { switch ( $content['unitType'] ) { case 'matched-content': $image = 'adsense-multiplex.svg'; break; case 'in-article': $image = 'adsense-in-article.svg'; break; case 'in-feed': $image = 'adsense-in-feed.svg'; break; } } echo ''; } /** * Render additional information in the ad type tooltip on the ad overview page * * @param Advanced_Ads_Ad $ad ad object. */ public function render_ad_type_tooltip( Advanced_Ads_Ad $ad ) { $content = json_decode( stripslashes( $ad->content ), true ); if ( isset( $content['unitType'] ) ) { echo esc_html( self::get_ad_type_label( $content['unitType'] ) ); } } /** * Sanitize content field on save * * @param string $content ad content. * * @return string $content sanitized ad content * @since 1.0.0 */ public function sanitize_content( $content = '' ) { $content = wp_unslash( $content ); $ad_unit = json_decode( $content, true ); if ( empty( $ad_unit ) ) { $ad_unit = []; } // remove this slotId from unsupported_ads $mapi_options = Advanced_Ads_AdSense_MAPI::get_option(); if ( array_key_exists( 'slotId', $ad_unit ) && array_key_exists( $ad_unit['slotId'], $mapi_options['unsupported_units'] ) ) { unset( $mapi_options['unsupported_units'][ $ad_unit['slotId'] ] ); update_option( Advanced_Ads_AdSense_MAPI::OPTNAME, $mapi_options ); } return $content; } /** * Prepare the ads frontend output. * * @param object $ad ad object. * * @return string $content ad content prepared for frontend output * @since 1.0.0 */ public function prepare_output( $ad ) { global $gadsense; $content = json_decode( stripslashes( $ad->content ) ); if ( isset( $ad->args['wp_the_query']['is_404'] ) && $ad->args['wp_the_query']['is_404'] && ! defined( 'ADVADS_ALLOW_ADSENSE_ON_404' ) ) { return ''; } $output = ''; $db = Advanced_Ads_AdSense_Data::get_instance(); $pub_id = $db->get_adsense_id( $ad ); if ( ! isset( $content->unitType ) || empty( $pub_id ) ) { return $output; } // deprecated since the adsbygoogle.js file is now always loaded. if ( ! isset( $gadsense['google_loaded'] ) || ! $gadsense['google_loaded'] ) { $gadsense['google_loaded'] = true; } // check if passive cb is used. if ( isset( $gadsense['adsense_count'] ) ) { $gadsense['adsense_count'] ++; } else { $gadsense['adsense_count'] = 1; } // "link" was a static format until AdSense stopped filling them in March 2021. Their responsive format serves as a fallback recommended by AdSense // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName.UsedPropertyNotSnakeCase $is_static_normal_content = ! in_array( $content->unitType, [ 'responsive', 'link', 'link-responsive', 'matched-content', 'in-article', 'in-feed' ], true ); $output = apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-gadsense-output', false, $ad, $pub_id, $content ); if ( false !== $output ) { return $output; } elseif ( advads_is_amp() ) { // Prevent output on AMP pages. return ''; } $output = ''; // add notice when a link unit is used // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName.UsedPropertyNotSnakeCase if ( in_array( $content->unitType, [ 'link', 'link-responsive' ], true ) ) { Advanced_Ads_Ad_Health_Notices::get_instance()->add( 'adsense_link_units_deprecated' ); } // build static normal content ads first. if ( $is_static_normal_content ) { $output .= $this->get_script_tag( $pub_id ); $output .= 'width . 'px;height:' . $ad->height . 'px;" ' . "\n"; $output .= 'data-ad-client="ca-' . $pub_id . '" ' . "\n"; $output .= 'data-ad-slot="' . $content->slotId . '"'; // ad type for static link unit. if ( 'link' === $content->unitType ) { $output .= "\n" . 'data-ad-format="link"'; } $output .= '> ' . "\n"; $output .= '' . "\n"; } else { /** * The value of $ad->content->resize should be tested to format the output correctly */ $unmodified = $output; $output = apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-gadsense-responsive-output', $output, $ad, $pub_id ); if ( $unmodified === $output ) { /** * If the output has not been modified, perform a default responsive output. * A simple did_action check isn't sufficient, some hooks may be attached and fired but didn't touch the output */ $this->append_defaut_responsive_content( $output, $pub_id, $content ); // Remove float setting if this is a responsive ad unit without custom sizes. unset( $ad->wrapper['style']['float'] ); } } return $output; } /** * Check if a string looks like an AdSense ad code. * * @param string $content The string that need to be checked. * * @return boolean */ public static function content_is_adsense( $content = '' ) { return false !== stripos( $content, '' ) && ( false !== stripos( $content, 'google_ad_client' ) || false !== stripos( $content, 'data-ad-client' ) ); } /** * Build AdSense script tag. * * @param string $pub_id AdSense publisher ID. * * @return string */ protected function get_script_tag( $pub_id ) { return sprintf( // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.EnqueuedResources.NonEnqueuedScript -- don't allow any changes on Google AdSense code. '', /** * Filter the output of the publisher ID appended to the AdSense JavaScript Code. * * @param boolean */ apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-adsense-publisher-id', true ) ? '?client=ca-' . $pub_id : '' ); } /** * @param string $output Current ad unit code. * @param string $pub_id AdSense publisher ID. * @param object $content Ad unit content with all parameters. */ protected function append_defaut_responsive_content( &$output, $pub_id, $content ) { $format = ''; $style = 'display:block;'; switch ( $content->unitType ) { case 'matched-content': $format = 'autorelaxed'; break; case 'link-responsive': case 'link': $format = 'link'; break; case 'in-feed': $format = 'fluid'; $layout_key = $content->layout_key; break; case 'in-article': $format = 'fluid'; $layout = 'in-article'; $style = 'display:block; text-align:center;'; break; default: $format = 'auto'; } $output .= $this->get_script_tag( $pub_id ); $output .= 'slotId . '" ' . "\n"; $output .= isset( $layout ) ? 'data-ad-layout="' . $layout . '"' . "\n" : ''; $output .= isset( $layout_key ) ? 'data-ad-layout-key="' . $layout_key . '"' . "\n" : ''; $output .= 'data-ad-format="'; $output .= $format; $options = Advanced_Ads_AdSense_Data::get_instance()->get_options(); $fw = ! empty( $options['fullwidth-ads'] ) ? $options['fullwidth-ads'] : 'default'; if ( 'default' !== $fw ) { $output .= 'enable' === $fw ? '" data-full-width-responsive="true' : '" data-full-width-responsive="false'; } $output .= '">' . "\n"; $output .= '' . "\n"; } }