ed_Ads_Ad $ad, $args ) { $cache_busting_auto = isset( $args['placement_type'] ) && ( ! isset( $args['cache-busting'] ) || $args['cache-busting'] === self::OPTION_AUTO ); if ( $cache_busting_auto ) { $js_array = & $this->passive_cache_busting_placements; $id = $args['previous_id']; } else { $js_array = & $this->passive_cache_busting_ads; $id = $args['id']; } $uniq_key = $id . '_' . ++self::$adOffset; $not_head = ! $this->isHead || ( isset( $args['placement_type'] ) && $args['placement_type'] !== 'header' ); $elementid = $not_head ? $this->generate_elementid() : null; $args['cache_busting_elementid'] = $ad->args['cache_busting_elementid'] = $elementid; $placement_id = ! empty( $args['output']['placement_id'] ) ? $args['output']['placement_id'] : ''; $output_string = $not_head ? $this->create_wrapper( $elementid, $placement_id, $args ) : ''; $js_array[ $uniq_key ] = array( 'elementid' => array( $elementid ), 'ads' => array( $ad->id => $this->get_passive_cb_for_ad( $ad ) ), // only 1 ad ); if ( $cache_busting_auto ) { $placements = Advanced_Ads::get_ad_placements_array(); $test_id = isset( $args['test_id'] ) ? $args['test_id'] : null; $js_array[ $uniq_key ]['type'] = 'ad'; $js_array[ $uniq_key ]['id'] = $ad->id; $js_array[ $uniq_key ]['placement_info'] = $this->get_placement_info( $id ); $js_array[ $uniq_key ]['test_id'] = $test_id; if ( $ad_for_adblocker = Advanced_Ads_Pro_Module_Ads_For_Adblockers::get_ad_for_adblocker( $args ) ) { $js_array[ $uniq_key ]['ads_for_ab'] = array( $ad_for_adblocker->id => $this->get_passive_cb_for_ad( $ad_for_adblocker ) ); } if ( 'ajax' === $this->fallback_method ) { $ajax_info = $this->server_info->get_ajax_for_passive_placement( $ad, $args, $elementid ); if ( $ajax_info ) { $js_array[ $uniq_key ] = array_merge( $js_array[ $uniq_key ], $ajax_info ); } } } $js_array[ $uniq_key ] = apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-cache-busting-item', $js_array[ $uniq_key ], array( 'method' => $cache_busting_auto ? 'placement' : 'ad', 'args' => $args ) ); return $output_string; } /** * add data related to group and group placement to js array * * @param obj $adgroup Advanced_Ads_Group * @param array/null $ordered_ad_ids ordered ids of the ads that belong to the group * @param array $args argument passed to the 'get_ad_by_group' function * @param str $uniq_key Property name in JS array. * @param array $group_ads Group ads. * @return string */ private function get_passive_overriden_group( Advanced_Ads_Group $adgroup, $ordered_ad_ids, $args, $uniq_key, $group_ads ) { $cache_busting_auto = isset( $args['placement_type'] ) && ( ! isset( $args['cache-busting'] ) || $args['cache-busting'] === self::OPTION_AUTO ); if ( $cache_busting_auto ) { $js_array = & $this->passive_cache_busting_placements; $id = $args['previous_id']; } else { $js_array = & $this->passive_cache_busting_groups; $id = $args['id']; } $uniq_key = $id . '_' . $uniq_key; $not_head = ! $this->isHead || ( isset( $args['placement_type'] ) && $args['placement_type'] !== 'header' ); $elementid = $not_head ? $this->generate_elementid() : null; $args['cache_busting_elementid'] = $adgroup->ad_args['cache_busting_elementid'] = $elementid; $placement_id = ! empty( $args['output']['placement_id'] ) ? $args['output']['placement_id'] : ''; $output_string = $not_head ? $this->create_wrapper( $elementid, $placement_id, $args ) : ''; if ( ( $ad_count = apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-group-ad-count', $adgroup->ad_count, $adgroup ) ) === 'all' ) { $ad_count = 999; } $passive_ads = array(); foreach ( $group_ads as $group_ad ) { $passive_ads[ $group_ad->id ] = $this->get_passive_cb_for_ad( $group_ad ); } $js_array[ $uniq_key ] = array ( 'type'=> 'group', 'id' => $adgroup->id, 'elementid' => array( $elementid ), 'ads' => $passive_ads, 'group_info' => array( 'id' => $adgroup->id, 'name' => $adgroup->name, 'weights' => $adgroup->get_ad_weights( $ordered_ad_ids ), 'type' => $adgroup->type, 'ordered_ad_ids' => $ordered_ad_ids, 'ad_count' => $ad_count, ), ); // deprecated after Advaned Ads Slider > 1.3.1 if ( 'slider' === $adgroup->type && defined( 'AAS_VERSION' ) && version_compare( AAS_VERSION, '1.3.1', '<=' ) ) { $slider_options = Advanced_Ads_Slider::get_slider_options( $adgroup ); $js_array[ $uniq_key ]['group_info']['slider_options'] = $slider_options; } if ( Advanced_Ads_Pro_Group_Refresh::is_enabled( $adgroup ) ) { $js_array[ $uniq_key ]['group_info']['refresh_enabled'] = true; $js_array[ $uniq_key ]['group_info']['refresh_interval_for_ads'] = Advanced_Ads_Pro_Group_Refresh::get_ad_intervals( $adgroup ); } $advads_plugin = Advanced_Ads::get_instance(); $label = ''; if ( method_exists( $advads_plugin, 'get_label' ) ) { $placement_state = isset( $args['ad_label'] ) ? $args['ad_label'] : 'default'; $label = Advanced_Ads::get_instance()->get_label( $placement_state ); } if ( $cache_busting_auto ) { $placements = Advanced_Ads::get_ad_placements_array(); $js_array[ $uniq_key ]['placement_info'] = $this->get_placement_info( $id ); $js_array[ $uniq_key ]['test_id'] = isset( $args['test_id'] ) ? $args['test_id'] : null; if ( $ad_for_adblocker = Advanced_Ads_Pro_Module_Ads_For_Adblockers::get_ad_for_adblocker( array_diff_key( $args, array( 'ad_label' => false ) ) ) ) { $js_array[ $uniq_key ]['ads_for_ab'] = array( $ad_for_adblocker->id => $this->get_passive_cb_for_ad( $ad_for_adblocker ) ); } if ( 'ajax' === $this->fallback_method ) { $ajax_info = $this->server_info->get_ajax_for_passive_placement( $group_ads, $args, $elementid ); if ( $ajax_info ) { $js_array[ $uniq_key ] = array_merge( $js_array[ $uniq_key ], $ajax_info ); } } } $js_array[ $uniq_key ] = apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-pro-passive-cb-group-data', $js_array[ $uniq_key ], $adgroup, $elementid ); // Add wrapper around group. if ( ( ! empty( $adgroup->wrapper ) || $label ) && is_array( $adgroup->wrapper ) && class_exists( 'Advanced_Ads_Utils' ) && method_exists( 'Advanced_Ads_Utils' , 'build_html_attributes' ) ) { $before = 'wrapper ) . '>' . $label . apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-output-wrapper-before-content-group', '', $adgroup ); $after = apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-output-wrapper-after-content-group', '', $adgroup ) . ''; if ( ! empty( $adgroup->ad_args['placement_clearfix'] ) ) { $after .= '
'; } $js_array[ $uniq_key ]['group_wrap'][] = array( 'before' => $before, 'after' => $after, ); } $js_array[ $uniq_key ] = apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-cache-busting-item', $js_array[ $uniq_key ], array( 'method' => $cache_busting_auto ? 'placement' : 'group', 'args' => $args ) ); return $output_string; } /** * Get placement information * * @param string $id Placement id. * @param array $placement_info Placement information. */ private function get_placement_info( $id ) { // The information which passive cache-busting (`base.js`) can read. // When a new placement option is added and passive cache-busting needs to access it, it should be added to the array. $allowed_keys = array( 'id', 'lazy_load', 'test_id', 'layer_placement', 'close', 'inject_by', 'placement_position', 'pro_custom_element', 'container_id' ); $placements = Advanced_Ads::get_ad_placements_array(); $placement_info = $placements[ $id ]; $placement_info['id'] = (string) $id; if ( ! empty( $placement_info['options'] ) && is_array( $placement_info['options'] ) ) { foreach ( $placement_info['options'] as $k => $option ) { if ( ! in_array( $k, $allowed_keys, true ) ) { unset( $placement_info['options'][ $k ] ); } } } return $placement_info; } /** * add new passive ad to passive cb js array * * @param obj $ad Advanced_Ads_Ad * @param array $args argument passed to the 'get_ad_by_id' function * @param str $uniq_key Property name in JS array. */ private function add_passive_ad_to_group( Advanced_Ads_Ad $ad, $args, $uniq_key ) { $cache_busting_auto = isset( $args['placement_type'] ) && ( ! isset( $args['cache-busting'] ) || $args['cache-busting'] === self::OPTION_AUTO ); if ( $cache_busting_auto ) { $uniq_key = $args['previous_id'] . '_' . $uniq_key; $this->passive_cache_busting_placements[ $uniq_key ]['ads'][ $ad->id ] = $this->get_passive_cb_for_ad( $ad ); } else { $uniq_key = $args['id'] . '_' . $uniq_key; $this->passive_cache_busting_groups[ $uniq_key ]['ads'][ $ad->id ] = $this->get_passive_cb_for_ad( $ad ); } } /** * delete an ad from passive cb js array * * @param $adgroup Advanced_Ads_Group * @param array $args argument passed to the 'get_ad_by_id' function * @param str $uniq_key Property name in JS array. */ private function delete_passive_group( Advanced_Ads_Group $adgroup, $args, $uniq_key ) { $cache_busting_auto = isset( $args['placement_type'] ) && ( ! isset( $args['cache-busting'] ) || $args['cache-busting'] === self::OPTION_AUTO ); if ( $cache_busting_auto ) { $uniq_key = $args['previous_id'] . '_' . $uniq_key; unset( $this->passive_cache_busting_placements[ $uniq_key ] ); } else { $uniq_key = $args['id'] . '_' . $uniq_key; unset( $this->passive_cache_busting_groups[ $uniq_key ] ); } } /** * get ad info for passive cache-busting * * @param Advanced_Ads_Ad $ad ad object. * @return array */ public function get_passive_cb_for_ad( Advanced_Ads_Ad $ad ) { $ad_options = $ad->options(); $ad->args['cache-busting'] = self::OPTION_AUTO; $passive_cb_for_ad = apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-pro-passive-cb-for-ad', array( 'id' => $ad->id, 'title' => $ad->title, 'expiry_date' => (int) $ad->expiry_date, 'visitors' => array_values( $ad->options( 'visitors', array() ) ), 'content' => $ad->output( array( 'global_output' => false ) ), 'once_per_page' => ( ! empty( $ad_options['output']['once_per_page'] ) ) ? 1 : 0, 'debugmode' => isset( $ad->output['debugmode'] ), 'blog_id' => get_current_blog_id(), 'type' => $ad->type, 'position' => isset( $ad->output['position'] ) ? $ad->output['position'] : '', ), $ad ); // Consent overridden for this ad. $passive_cb_for_ad['privacy']['ignore'] = ! empty( $ad_options['privacy']['ignore-consent'] ); // This ad has custom code and therefore needs consent (if not overridden above). $passive_cb_for_ad['privacy']['needs_consent'] = ! empty( Advanced_Ads_Pro::get_instance()->get_custom_code( $ad ) ); /** * Collect blog data before `restore_current_blog` is called. */ if ( class_exists( 'Advanced_Ads_Tracking_Util', false ) && method_exists( 'Advanced_Ads_Tracking_Util', 'collect_blog_data' ) ) { $tracking_utils = Advanced_Ads_Tracking_Util::get_instance(); $tracking_utils->collect_blog_data(); } return $passive_cb_for_ad; } /** * return wrapper and js code to load the ad * * @param obj $ad Advanced_Ads_Ad * @param array $args argument passed to the 'get_ad_by_id' function * @return string/bool $overridden_ad */ public function get_overridden_ajax_ad( $ad, $args ) { $overridden_ad = false; $test_id = isset( $args['test_id'] ) ? $args['test_id'] : null; $needs_backend = $this->ad_needs_backend_request( $ad ); if ( 'static' !== $needs_backend || $test_id ) { $query = self::build_js_query( $args); $overridden_ad = $this->get_override_content( $query ); } return $overridden_ad; } /** * Determine if backend request is needed. * * @param Advanced_Ads_Ad $ad Ad object. * @return string * 'static' Do not use cache-busting. There are no dynamic conditions, all users will see the same. * 'off' Do not use cache-busting (fallback). * 'ajax' Use AJAX request (fallback). * 'passive' Use passive cache-busting. */ public function ad_needs_backend_request( Advanced_Ads_Ad $ad ) { $ad_options = $ad->options(); $visitors = $ad->options( 'visitors', array() ); // code is evaluated as php if setting was never saved or php is allowed $allow_php = ( 'plain' === $ad->type && ( ! isset( $ad->output['allow_php'] ) || $ad->output['allow_php'] ) ); // if there is at least one visitor condition (check old "visitor" and new "visitors" conditions) $is_visitor_conditions = ! empty( $visitors ); $is_group = 'group' === $ad->type; $has_shortcode = ! empty( $ad_options['output']['has_shortcode'] ) // The Rich Content ad type saved long time ago. || ( ! isset( $ad_options['output']['has_shortcode'] ) && $ad->type === 'content' ); $is_lazy_load = $this->lazy_load_module_enabled && isset( $ad_options['lazy_load'] ) && 'enabled' === $ad_options['lazy_load']; // Check if there is conditions that need backend request. $has_not_js_conditions = false; if ( ! empty( $visitors ) ) { // Conditions that can be checked using js. $js_visitor_conditions = array( 'mobile', 'referrer_url', 'user_agent', 'request_uri', 'browser_lang', 'cookie', 'page_impressions', 'ad_impressions', 'new_visitor', 'device_width', 'tablet', ); if ( $this->fallback_method === 'ajax' && isset( $ad_options['placement_type'] ) ) { // Conditions that can be checked by passive cache-busting only if cookies exist. // If not, ajax cache-busting will not be used. $all_server_conditions = $this->server_info->get_all_server_conditions(); $js_visitor_conditions = array_merge( $js_visitor_conditions, array_keys( $all_server_conditions ) ); } $js_visitor_conditions = apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-js-visitor-conditions', $js_visitor_conditions ); foreach ( $visitors as $visitor ) { if ( ! in_array( $visitor['type'], $js_visitor_conditions ) ) { // Use AJAX cache-busting, or disable cache-busting. $has_not_js_conditions = true; } } } $has_tracking = false; if ( class_exists( 'Advanced_Ads_Tracking', false ) && ( ( isset( $ad_options['tracking']['impression_limit'] ) && $ad_options['tracking']['impression_limit'] ) || ( isset( $ad_options['tracking']['click_limit'] ) && $ad_options['tracking']['click_limit'] ) ) ) { // Use AJAX cache-busting, or disable cache-busting. $has_tracking = true; } $has_test = ! empty( $ad_options['test_id'] ); $hidden_without_consent = false; if ( empty( $ad_options['privacy']['ignore-consent'] ) && class_exists( 'Advanced_Ads_Privacy' ) ) { $privacy_options = Advanced_Ads_Privacy::get_instance()->options(); $npa_adsense = $ad->type === 'adsense' && ! empty( $privacy_options['show-non-personalized-adsense'] ); // Check if the ad is invisible until consent is given. if ( ! empty( $privacy_options['enabled'] ) // If the content method is 'cookie'. && ! empty( $privacy_options['consent-method'] ) // && empty( $privacy_options['show-without-consent'] ) // Non-personalized Adsense are visible even without consent. && ! $npa_adsense ) { $hidden_without_consent = true; } } $specific_days = ! empty( $ad_options['weekdays']['enabled'] ); $checks_placement_cookies = ( ! empty( $ad_options['layer_placement']['close']['enabled'] ) && ! empty( $ad_options['layer_placement']['close']['timeout_enabled'] ) ) || ( ! empty( $ad_options['close']['enabled'] ) && ! empty( $ad_options['close']['timeout_enabled'] ) ); if ( $allow_php || $is_group || $has_shortcode || $has_not_js_conditions || $has_tracking ) { // Use AJAX cache-busting, or disable cache-busting. $return = $this->fallback_method; } elseif ( $is_visitor_conditions || $is_lazy_load || $hidden_without_consent || $specific_days || $checks_placement_cookies ) { // Passive cache-busting. $return = 'passive'; } else { $return = 'static'; } $return = apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-pro-ad-needs-backend-request', $return, $ad, $this->fallback_method ); return $return; } /** * Determine if all ads of a group are static. * * @param Advanced_Ads_Ad[] $group_ads An array of ad objects. * @param Advanced_Ads_Group $adgroup Group object. * @return bool */ private function group_ads_static( $group_ads, $adgroup ) { if ( 0 === count( $group_ads ) ) { return true; } if ( 1 === count( $group_ads ) ) { return 'static' === $this->ad_needs_backend_request( $group_ads[0] ); } return false; } /** * Prepare query for js handler * * @param array $arguments * @return array query */ public static function build_js_query( $arguments ) { // base query (required keys) $query = array( 'id' => (string) $arguments['id'], 'method' => (string) $arguments['method'], ); $arguments['global_output'] = true; // process further arguments (optional keys) $params = array_diff_key( $arguments, array( 'id' => false, 'method' => false ) ); if ( $params !== array() ) { $query['params'] = $params; } return $query; } /** * Determine override option for query. * * @param array $query * * @return boolean */ protected function can_override( $query ) { $params = isset( $query['params'] ) ? $query['params'] : array(); // allow disable cache-busting according to placement settings if ( $query['method'] === 'placement' && ! isset( $params['cache-busting'] ) ) { $placement_options = Advanced_Ads::get_ad_placements_array(); if ( isset( $placement_options[ $query['id'] ]['options']['cache-busting'] ) ) { $params['cache-busting'] = $placement_options[ $query['id'] ]['options']['cache-busting']; } } return isset( $params['cache-busting'] ) && $params['cache-busting'] === self::OPTION_ON; } /** * Check if passive cache-busting can be used. * * @param array $args argument passed to ads. * @return bool */ private function can_override_passive( $args ) { if ( ! empty( $args['wp_the_query']['is_feed'] ) || ! array_key_exists( 'previous_method', $args ) || ! array_key_exists( 'previous_id', $args ) ) { return false; } // Prevent non-header placement from being collected through wp_head. if ( doing_action( 'wp_head' ) && isset( $args['placement_type'] ) && 'header' !== $args['placement_type'] && ! $this->can_inject_during_wp_head() ) { return false; } if ( isset( $args['cache-busting'] ) && $args['cache-busting'] === self::OPTION_IGNORE ) { return false; } return true; } /** * Prepare ad for js handler. * * @param array $query * @return string */ protected function get_override_content( $query ) { $content = ''; // Prevent non-header placement from being collected through wp_head. if ( doing_action( 'wp_head' ) && isset( $query['params']['placement_type'] ) && 'header' !== $query['params']['placement_type'] && ! $this->can_inject_during_wp_head() ) { return $content; } // scripts require no wrapper if ( ! $this->isHead || ( isset( $query['params']['placement_type'] ) && $query['params']['placement_type'] !== 'header' ) ) { $query['elementid'] = $this->generate_elementid(); // Get placement id if ( ! empty( $query['method'] ) && 'placement' === $query['method'] && ! empty( $query['id'] ) ) { // Cache-busting: "ajax" $placement_id = $query['id']; } elseif( ! empty( $query['params']['output']['placement_id'] ) ) { // AJAX fallback $placement_id = $query['params']['output']['placement_id']; } else { $placement_id = ''; } $content .= $this->create_wrapper( $query['elementid'], $placement_id, $query['params'] ); } $query = $this->get_ajax_query( $query ); self::$ajax_queries[] = $query; return $content; } /** * Get ajax query. * * @param array $query * @param bool $request_placement Whether or not to request top level placement. * @return array */ public function get_ajax_query( $query, $request_placement = true ) { // Request placement. if ( $request_placement && isset( $query['params']['output']['placement_id'] ) ) { $query['method'] = 'placement'; $query['id'] = $query['params']['output']['placement_id']; } $query['blog_id'] = get_current_blog_id(); /** * Collect blog data before `restore_current_blog` is called. */ if ( class_exists( 'Advanced_Ads_Tracking_Util', false ) && method_exists( 'Advanced_Ads_Tracking_Util', 'collect_blog_data' ) ) { $tracking_utils = Advanced_Ads_Tracking_Util::get_instance(); $tracking_utils->collect_blog_data(); } // Check if the `advanced-ads-ajax-ad-select-arguments` filter exists. if ( ! empty( $query['params'] ) && version_compare( ADVADS_VERSION, '1.24.0', '>' ) ) { $query['params'] = $this->remove_default_ajax_args( $this->ajax_default_args, $query['params'] ); $query['params'] = $this->extract_general_ajax_args( $query['params'] ); } return $query; } /** * Remove default AJAX arguments to reduce the size of the array printed in footer. * * @param array $default Default arguments. * @param array $source A full list of arguments that we need to be minifed. * @return array Minified array (source array that does not contain default arguments). */ private function remove_default_ajax_args( $default, $source ) { $result = array(); foreach ( $source as $key => $f ) { if ( ! array_key_exists( $key, $default ) ) { $result[ $key ] = $source[ $key ]; continue; } if ( $source[ $key ] === $default[ $key ] ) { continue; } if ( ! is_array( $default[ $key ] ) || ! is_array( $source[ $key ] ) ) { $result[ $key ] = $source[ $key ]; continue; } $key_result = $this->remove_default_ajax_args( $default[ $key ], $source[ $key ] ); if ( $key_result !== array() ) { $result[ $key ] = $key_result; } } return $result; } /** * Extract general AJAX arguments into separate array to reduce the size of the array printed in footer. * * @param array $source A full list of arguments to extract general arguments from. * @return array A list of arguments with general arguments removed. */ private function extract_general_ajax_args( $source ) { if ( wp_doing_ajax() ) { // Do nothing because we are not able to add data to the footer array. return $source; } if ( isset( $source['post'] ) ) { $ref = array_search( $source['post'], $this->ajax_queries_args, true ); if ( $ref === false ) { $ref = 'r' . count( $this->ajax_queries_args ); $this->ajax_queries_args[ $ref ] = $source['post']; } $source['post'] = $ref; } return $source; } /** * Add default AJAX arguments that were removed to reduce the size of the array printed in footer. * * @see self::remove_default_ajax_args * * When the item in the default array is not an array, it will be replaced by the item in the minified array. * When an item exists in either associative array, it will be added. Numeric keys are overridden. * * @param array $arguments Minified arguments. * @param array $request Current ad request. * @return array New arguments. */ public function add_default_ajax_arguments( $arguments, $request ) { if ( ! empty( $request['elementId'] ) ) { $arguments['cache_busting_elementid'] = $request['elementId']; } return array_replace_recursive( $this->ajax_default_args, $arguments ); } /** * Create wrapper for cache-busting. * * @param string $element_id Id of the wrapper. * @param string $placement_id Id of the placement. * @param array $args Custom arguments of ad or group. * * @return string Cache-busting wrapper. */ private function create_wrapper( $element_id, $placement_id = '', $args = array() ) { $class = $element_id; if ( $placement_id ) { $prefix = Advanced_Ads_Plugin::get_instance()->get_frontend_prefix(); $class .= ' ' . $prefix . $placement_id; } $style = ! empty( $args['inline-css'] ) ? 'style="' . $args['inline-css'] . '"' : ''; $wrapper_element = ! empty( $args['inline_wrapper_element'] ) ? 'span' : 'div'; // TODO: `id` is deprecated. return '<' . $wrapper_element . ' ' . $style . ' class="' . $class . '" id="' . $element_id . '">'; } /** * Generate unique element id * * @return string */ public function generate_elementid() { $prefix = Advanced_Ads_Plugin::get_instance()->get_frontend_prefix(); return $prefix . md5( 'advanced-ads-pro-ad-' . uniqid( ++self::$adOffset, true ) ); } /** * Check if placement can be displayed without passive cache-busting. * * @param string $id Placement id. * @see placement_can_display() * @return bool */ private function placement_can_display_not_passive( $id ) { // We force this filter to return true when collecting placements for passive cache-busting. // For now revoke this behavior return apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-can-display-placement', true, $id ); } /** * check if placement was closed before * * @param int $id placement id * @return bool whether placement can be displayed or not */ public function placement_can_display( $return, $id = 0 ){ static $checked_passive = array(); if ( in_array( $id, $checked_passive ) ) { // Ignore current filter when the placement is delivered without passive cache-busting. return $return; } // get all placements $placements = Advanced_Ads::get_ad_placements_array(); $cache_busting_auto = ! isset( $placements[ $id ]['options']['cache-busting'] ) || $placements[ $id ]['options']['cache-busting'] === self::OPTION_AUTO; if ( $cache_busting_auto && $this->is_passive_method_used() ) { $checked_passive[] = $id; return true; } return $return; } /** * determines, whether the "passive" method is used or not * * @return bool true if the "passive" method is used, false otherwise */ public function is_passive_method_used() { return isset( $this->options['default_auto_method'] ) && $this->options['default_auto_method'] === 'passive'; } /** * determines, whether or not to load tracking scripts * * @param bool $need_load_header_scripts * @return bool true if tracking scripts should be loaded, $need_load_header_scripts otherwise */ public function load_tracking_scripts( $need_load_header_scripts ) { //the script is used by: passive cache-busting, 'group refresh' feature return true; } /** * Add ad debug content * * @param arr $content * @param obj $ad Advanced_Ads_Ad * @return arr $content */ public function add_debug_content( $content, Advanced_Ads_Ad $ad ) { $needs_backend = $this->ad_needs_backend_request( $ad ); if ( 'off' === $needs_backend || 'ajax' === $needs_backend ) { $info = __( 'The ad can not work with passive cache-busting', 'advanced-ads-pro' ); } else { $info = __( 'The ad can work with passive cache-busting', 'advanced-ads-pro' ); } if ( $this->is_ajax ) { $name = _x( 'ajax', 'setting label', 'advanced-ads-pro' ); } elseif ( isset( $ad->args['cache-busting'] ) && $ad->args['cache-busting'] === self::OPTION_AUTO ) { $name = __( 'passive', 'advanced-ads-pro' ); $info .= '
##advanced_ads_passive_cb_debug##' . sprintf( '', __( 'The ad is displayed on the page', 'advanced-ads-pro' ), __( 'The ad is not displayed on the page', 'advanced-ads-pro' ) ); } else { $name = _x( 'off', 'setting label', 'advanced-ads-pro' ); } $content[] = sprintf( '%s %s
%s', _x( 'Cache-busting:', 'placement admin label', 'advanced-ads-pro' ), $name, $info ); return $content; } /** * Add placement to current ads. * * @param string $id Placement id. */ private function add_placement_to_current_ads( $id ) { $placements = Advanced_Ads::get_ad_placements_array(); $name = ! empty( $placements[ $id ]['name'] ) ? $placements[ $id ]['name'] : $id; Advanced_Ads::get_instance()->current_ads[] = array('type' => 'placement', 'id' => $id, 'title' => $name ); } /** * Get visitor conditions. * * @param Advanced_Ads_Ad $ad Ad object. * * @return void * @deprecated * */ public function get_visitors( Advanced_Ads_Ad $ad ) { } /** * Check if the ad can be displayed based on display limit. * Handle "Custom position" placements that have cache-busting disabled. * * @param bool $can_display Existing value. * @param obj $ad Advanced_Ads_Ad object * @param array $check_options * @return bool true if limit is not reached, false otherwise */ public function can_display_by_display_limit( $can_display, Advanced_Ads_Ad $ad, $check_options ) { if ( ! $can_display ) { return false; } if ( ! $this->collecting_js_items ) { return $can_display; } $output_options = $ad->options( 'output' ); if ( ! empty( $output_options['once_per_page'] ) ) { foreach ( $this->has_js_items as $item ) { if ( $item['type'] === 'ad' && absint( $item['id'] ) === $ad->id ) { return false; } } } return true; } /** * Check whether the module is enabled. * * @return bool. */ public static function is_enabled() { $options = Advanced_Ads_Pro::get_instance()->get_options(); return ! empty( $options['cache-busting']['enabled'] ); } /** * Check if placements of type other than `header` can be injected during `wp_head` action. */ private function can_inject_during_wp_head() { return class_exists( 'Advanced_Ads_Compatibility' ) && method_exists( 'Advanced_Ads_Compatibility', 'can_inject_during_wp_head' ) && Advanced_Ads_Compatibility::can_inject_during_wp_head(); } /** * Check if TCF privacy is active; only do this when cache-busting is turned off. * If yes, add a script to handle decoded ads due to TCF privacy settings. */ public function check_for_tcf_privacy() { $options = Advanced_Ads_Privacy::get_instance()->options(); if ( ! isset( $options['enabled'] ) || $options['consent-method'] !== 'iab_tcf_20' ) { return; } wp_enqueue_script( // we need the same handle as with cache-busting so tracking still works. 'advanced-ads-pro/cache_busting', AAP_BASE_URL . 'assets/js/privacy' . ( defined( 'SCRIPT_DEBUG' ) && SCRIPT_DEBUG ? '' : '.min' ) . '.js', [ ADVADS_SLUG . '-advanced-js', 'jquery'], AAP_VERSION, true ); } }